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Online: JAONHILLMAN.COM | Feb 17, 2023
- “The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.” – Steven Pressfield
- Have you read, “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield? It’s a clever play on the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu. While its more about the creative battles that artists endure than armies conquering nations, the enemies are usually pretty similar. In both cases, “The Resistance” is the invisible force of will we strive to conquer. It could be fear, motivation, grief or denial, we all have that inner roadblock stopping us along our way. It’s a fantastic book if you’ve ever wondered, “Why the hell don’t I just get started?”
- Mornings are my sacred time, when I get to have my personal space to myself, where I can focus on my morning routine. In fact, morning routines are so common in the entrepreneurial world, many call them Millionaire Mornings.The philosophy is to focus hard on a few easy wins to set the tone for the rest of the day. If your day starts with gratitude and success, you can guarantee more will be on the way. Creating one for yourself doesn’t take much, and it should always focus on “less is more.” If you want a quick start, here’s my personal Millionaire Morning you can download!
- A major component of my routine is nutrient density over calorie density. This is an important thing to distinguish, especially in the world of not-so-healthy breakfast options. I did a VERY SHORT video on Youtube talking about how this can shape your day!
- Financial Well-Being is an important area that many of us don’t think about when it comes to Wellness. One of the biggest stressors people have in life is financial, so naturally it will have a major effect on our lives. This is often what creates the burning desire to “go into business for yourself”! While I agree this is an exciting idea, it can also be quite stressful if you are ill-prepared.I listened to an interesting podcast where they called the ill-prepared or poorly informed people who get hooked on the idea, “WANT-repreneurs.” They know what they WANT to be and do, but they lack the no-how. It reminded me of an article I wrote, “3 reasons to start your own business and 3 reasons to run like Hell from it.”
Have a great weekend, and if you run into me, wish me a Happy Birthday!
Ja-On Hillman
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